Good Evening as the subject states having problems with VMD Accumove 2 after several issues we had the machine running for a whole 5 hours straight after 7 months of issues, 3 days were my computer issue the rest well .....Up to this point I have been somewhat reserved and understanding but after today gloves off. I am running a 4x4 growth series that has been consumed with issue after issue. Mostly software, the latest is stated above, the gentlemen I have been working with is at a show in Iawa apparently he stated in his Email to phone tech support give them access to my computer and the issue would be solved. After calling tech support explaining what has been going on the last week response was we will get back to you soon, 6 hours waiting by the phone, no call the message was the individual will be back on the 19th, not sure what the problem is but machine has been down for 6 days now and I should wait another week WTF I have lost buissness and material which in alberta a sheet of 14 guage is 117.00 not impressed and really questioning the so called support, this is BS and my patience is pretty much gone. Don't care about the new generation get the others up to where you claim they are. Tech support again in the morning, anyone else with these issues
I can't speak for anyone but myself, but the tech support at torchmate/lincoln has been good to me. To be fair I did get a dud accumove2 box but after a few hours we figured it was a bad RAM issue and they sent me out a replacement, and I had it within a week. I had issues with my break-away that turned out to be a loose wire (inside the bracket) due to a bad crimp (I had a permanent torch disconnected error). I was extremely frustrated as the investment I made in this tool was substantial as I too run a small fab company. But again, after looking back I would say that you are paying less for this table kit because you are not having techs come out and install your table and get it running for you. So, in short, I feel your pain, but now that I have my table running I couldn't be happier. I would say to keep trying to get everything up and running ASAP as the warranty for parts is only a year (I think), it would suck to take your time only to find out that at the 13 month mark you have some dud electronics. - matt
Sorry for the troubles you are having with the Accumove box, can you let me know what the rest of the message contains. Also a little more info like what Script Version you are using, Login as Admin, click on Machine Settings then Get Version Info. Will aslo need the VMD Version, you can find this by clicking on the Exclamation point at the top left of the screen (About VMD). Thanks.
Thanks for all your help today, Just very frustrated at the time of writing. My experience with Tech support over all has been very positive. Just wasn't expecting to require them as often as I have been lately. Just have to work through it. And thanks for your reply also Matt some good points Gary
To answer your question and in case others run into this issue the error comes up as C:\Programfiles(x86)LincolnElectric\TorchmateControllerData\Scripts\TorchmatePlasma.AMCIcontains an incorrect Path If I press ok to continue then it says Macro or Subroutine not found [ ]
To further add to this make sure that "TorchmatePlasma.AMCI" is located in the correct directory as shown above, as well as you have Administrative priviledges to that directory.
Jelico, not sure if you know this or not (not sure I'm allowed to mention it here either), but torchmate had a huge presence on the 'pirate 4x4' forums until the red take-over. Many issues and solutions are hidden in the forum postings over there. There have been a few times during a weekend where I would need to jump over there and do some digging. - matt
Just to update on the issue, it turned out to be a file in the in the wrong folder not allowing the VMD software to find it. Thanks to all for the assistance.