I want to start off by saying that plasma cutting is an addiction! I am slowly getting the hang of the programming and running of the table, however, I have noticed some sporatic stopping while cutting. What would be the root cause of this? I would like to think that I could program the whole sheet of cutting but it seems that after 3-4 parts the table will stop. What am I doing wrong? Your feedback is appreciated! Mama Bear of Bent Outa Shape
The sporadic stopping could be a few things. First I would run your machine until it stops. Then go and look at your plasma cutter to see if it is showing a error code. If the plasma is not in FATAL error it will allow to resume the cut. Other thing to check is to see if you plasma torch tip comes in contact with the plate at any time. It could be activating the breakaway causing the stoppage.
While the sporadic stopping is happening, there is no fatal error on the screen. The tip was actually in position in order to cut and that is when it stops. I have tried to "run from here" but that does not always work. In order to perform that function I "go to zero" and then select the area where I want it to restart. Is there a different sequence of events that I need to take? There have been a couple of times where we have had breakaway causing the stoppage. We return to zero and then shut everything down and reboot in order to fix this issue.
That sounds like you are doing WAY too much. When you have stoppage you would just GO TO PROGRAM ZERO then RUN FROM HERE. As for having to "shut everything down" to clear a breakaway error... you should be able to do the same thing. As for a error on your plasma causing the stoppage?? Did you look at the face of the plas when you get this stoppage?
We have plenty of ideas, but very little to go off from your description. Even the OP description was vague, hard to fix the problem when you don't describe what is going on.
I have a whole 4x8 sheet nested for a sign with two wholes in the center of each one. It will cut three or so just fine then it stops mid way to the next pice to cut or it'll stop in the middle of a cut with no errors poping up almost like I paused the machine I hit start and it'll run again fine for a few mins maybe then it'll do it again
Like Chad had mentioned before watch the front of your plasma cutter for any error indicators, such as low air pressure, when pressure builds up the plasma will clear the error indication.
There is no error showing on the machine. Even when moving in-between cuts, when the torch is at its zero point it'll stop once or multiple times causing me to have to press start before it can proceed to the next pice.
I've only seen something like this happen when a key on the keyboard is stuck or pressed, one thing you can do to verify if while the machine is running have notepad running in the background and when you start a job make notepad the active window to see if any keys are being pressed, sounds strange but has happened before.
Having the same issue that the OP stated. Machine running fine, no error codes on cutter, torch will stop, machine will keep running. Usually after 3-5 seconds the torch will fire up again. We are not contacting the material with the tip. Pressures are constant( it's not a loss of pressure right before the compressor restarts causing the issue). Ideas?
So what is the torch body doing? If the head hits the material and the breakaway activates then you will get stoppage but it will not start again unless there is interaction. If the torch dies out but no error and the torch body keeps moving then it is something up with the plasma power supply like air. If the head stops and retracts to the top it is a voltage issue like cutting over already cut area or looses ground.