Hello, Just thought to share an idea I had. I wanted to build a log splitter but I didn’t want to spend $800 for one. So I asked my manager if I could have some scrap pcs laying around the shop. He said no problem. So I got this large square tube and began designing my log splitter on my breaks. I made a wedge and push plate. But I need something to split with. I just bought a house and remember there was a old heavy duty bottle jack in my barn. Well all I can say yes... it takes a lot of pumps to split a log but I only spent $8 on pc of angle iron for the wedge. That is our only Miller in the shop. The rest are Lincoln’s by the way.
I actually forgot to mention that. I did design it so a air jack can be put under the push plate. Thanks.
Hello Skyviper123, did you happen to attend HS in Colorado? You look like a student I had in the welding program a few years ago. If not, no worries, but I had to ask. Thanks