I have a DIY torchmate 4. I would like to jog my torch with a game controller. I have the controller. How do I make it work?
Nice looking TM1 table you have there. You are not going to find much info on using a console game controller to control the motion of your table, that is 3rd party software mapping key strokes to a controller.
That thought that has crossed my mind a few times. I would take a utility box or something of the like and use an arduino and a couple of waterproof buttons on mine though... Find a program that can assign keystrokes to the gamepad. Jog X-, X+, Y+, X- is crtl+left arrow, right arrow, up arrow, and down arrow respectively. That should be easy enough to assign to a D Pad so your average guy can figure the arrows on the dpad out. If you assign an A/B switch combo or similiar to just up arrow and down arrow, you can then change the speed of your jogs as well. (very critical for 0 alignment) The only issue that I can see is that in order to get to jog, you have to click into the jog tab and highlight the jog speed dropdown in order for these controls to work. But on another note, the Jog Y+,Y- buttons could also be used during cutting to change feed rate speed manually. All of these thoughts have been negated by the fact that my computer sits right next to the table on a pivoting arm I built that hangs off the water tank. Sorry older post, just wanted to share my thoughts.
I have a game controller controlling my table. I have info on how to do it if you are still interested. -Dan
I downloaded joytokey and use that program to assign the keys (purchase the $7 license or else it will erase everything when you shut off the computer). Buy a Logitech X box or PS3 controller with wireless USB plug (e bay is cheap) and you can assign a function to all the keys on it. Obviously you need to know all the shortcut keys on the TM software first. I did this by just pressing all they keyboard keys and writing down what they did. There are combos such as alt plus a key or control plus a key pressed simultaneously. There are lists or all these shortcuts out there and they differ depending on your driver software. Also once the controller is plugged in you can go into the computer control panel and open up the joystick button which is other devices or whatever and it will show you which button is which on the screen so you know how to set it up. I have version 2 driver software. See attached pic of how mine is set up. I use it for jogging and even cutting up my skeletons.