I've noticed that a slower speed on holes seems to have much better results. Is there a way to have the software slow down on just the holes? Thanks!
Yes in the TMCAD you would separate out the holes from the outside. So no MAKE PATH on everything. Then select just the holes, MAKE PATH, then CREATE TOOL PATH/FEMALE. Enter 60-70 for a feed rate and the lead in type you want. Press OK. Then select your outside. CREATE TOOL PATH/MALE. Enter 100 for a feed rate. Once all the tool paths are created select all (ctrl + A) and go to LAYOUT/SEQUENCE/START SEQUENCE BY LIST. Press TOOL PATH ONLY. Arrange the holes first then the outside last. Press OK. Output as normal. This will make the inside features run at 60-70% and the outside will run at 100% of what your feed rate is set at on the machine.
Or create tool path as you normally would with a feedrate of 100 and use the percent override on the cutting software to adjust the feedrate, as with the cut order inside parts are cut first.
Gotcha, so basically 2 options: 1. Do everything (speed adjustments and sequence) before outputting g-code file (I think this would be better for having production files). 2. Output everything as normal but use the percentage slider and pause features to change the feeds while the machine is cutting everything (AKA: Set feed rate via slider bar to 60-70%, cut hole first, pause, change feed rate via slider bar to 100%, press start to finish cut). Thanks!
Dont necessarily have to pause the program, you can adjust the feedrate while it is cutting the last hole, and that new percentage will take affect as it is traveling over to cut the next piece.