Jogging issues on brand new 2x4

Discussion in 'CNC Cutting' started by Thetoybrokers, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Thetoybrokers

    Thetoybrokers Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    I just got my brand new growth series 2x4 together last week . I'm having some issues with just jogging the machine .. when I jog X - and Y - the feedrate starts out high and goes to slow about 10 or at times just runs slow but when I jog is X+ or Y + it responds and runs as fast as it can . I know with the VMD software it has a variable feedrate depending arrow position on the x and y control arrows . Any advice or input is appreciated .
  2. inkognito

    inkognito Member

    May 17, 2016
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    The axis will jog faster the closer your finger or pointer is to the tip of the arrow. If you are jogging outside the axis limits which will be absolute position of <0 or >24" or 48" the velocity will automatically be limited to about 2%. Datum the machine, press either jog key close to the vertical edge, axis should jog slowly, move the pointer towards the tip and the axis should accelerate to the new set point velocity. Remember the set point velocity is exponential so don't expect 50% of terminal velocity when pressing the mid point of the arrow. The exponential gives finer control at the bottom end when you want to go slow for precise positioning.

    Perhaps you could report your findings if this logic isn't followed.
  3. Thetoybrokers

    Thetoybrokers Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Thank you for the reply . I'm aware of everything you mentioned . when I jog - on either of the X or Y axis is starts out at a higher rate and without me moving the position on the arrow it seems to default to a feedrate of 10 and become unresponsive to position in the arrows within the limits of the table axis . But if I jog + on either X or Y I can increase or decrease the feedrate with the position of the arrow on the VMD screen like it should . If the actions were consistent with both - and + movement I wouldn't be concerned but I thought it was odd this is only happening on the - movements .
  4. inkognito

    inkognito Member

    May 17, 2016
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    If you cut dry run a large square and time the movement for each side for a given feedrate is the time consistent. I want to validate the correct configuration file is selected.
  5. Matt

    Matt Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2015
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    If you are in the negative space, look at the machine position in the upper right, if either X or Y is negative then you are outside the machine limits and it will limit you to a fixed feedrate of approx~10 ipm, you will need to jog all the way in the -x and all the way -y and then re-datum the machine in that corner to properly set the machine position reference point.
    LECS-Chad likes this.
  6. Thetoybrokers

    Thetoybrokers Member

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Exactly my issue .. thank you for your and everyone elses help !

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