*Not A Contest Entry* We got a new socket wrench set in the shop and decided to make a custom socket wrench organizer in order to fit the sockets in a tool box drawer. We started by measuring the tool box that the sockets would be placed in. We drew out these dimensions in the Torchmate CAD software and began reorganizing the sockets. We then took the diameter measurement of each socket and programmed it into the CAD software. Once we were satisfied with the layout, we continued to tool path the design with the smaller kerf width (.001") and a .125" over burn. We would also need to reduce the cut speed by 60% when cutting out the holes to ensure the best performance of the plasma. These precautions proved to be very effective for cutting out very accurate holes with small bevel angle and ideal hole roundness. Please watch the video below to see how it turned out!
Can you please point me in the direction to get info on kerf width and over burn. I have been doing art gear without much thought for absolute accuracy but now feel the time has come to improve on that.
Watch this video here that explains how to adjust for kerf width. You can calculate an over burn on your male tool path under the lead out section. Good luck!
Over burn is when the plasma is programmed to continue firing a specified distance into where it had originally started. This gets rid of any additional burrs on the inside of holes that prevent you from having a perfect hole.
Here is my socket wrench! For some reason, the plate marker did the marking two and three times on each letter, also repeated a couple of letters in a different space (attaching the pics) I did it at 65A speed 90 I'm just new with this and trying to get the best relation between Amps and thickness. I have a 4800 Flexcut 125A If I tell the machine I'm cutting 1/2" steel, tells me to do it at 125A and I think is way to much. Any advice? Sorry but can't find how to attach the pics...
You likely created an online tool path multiple times. Make sure when creating a tool path and you dont like the outcome to undo or delete the tool path before trying again, with the tool path selected can go to Machine then Delete Tool Path. As for the Amperage you can override any setting if you feel that 125 is too much amperage you can type in the Amperage yourself and it will use the charts to pull in the parameters, same thing for the parameters you can overide these values if you feel for instance the feedrate is too fast.
Did you sequence the plate marker items first? looks like the material moved during plate marking and shifted the "fill" Since you are plate marking aluminum, you can reduce the impact of the stylus.
I was really enthusiastic in doing it with almost no previous experience and therefore all went wrong. Imagine all the mistakes you can have, I had all of them together! Hope to be repeating it in the near future and will share it