Hello, I have a torchmateX 5x10 with torchmate 3 software. I M trying gererate some G-code in the cad and I can seem to figure out how to change the feed rate for the tools when going to G-code. While setting up my tool paths I enter the feed rate I want, but when I generate the g-code the feed rate is at like 1500 when I set it to 90 ? How do I fix this other than manually changing it in the G-code.
Would you be interested in making a grill lid with the counter weight design you have? I plan to build a brick BBQ this year and looking for some custom features.
Hi guys My name Gordy,we have just bought a Torchmate 4400 table.We are in the learning process so please bare with us.
I am new to this Forum and looking for advice. Trying to create a Pelican standing on a pier. No clipart available. Willing to pay for it.
Type "Pelican Silhouette" into your google search. Check images and find what you like. Save the image. Then use the VECTORIZATION in our TMCAD.
We have a walk thru on Scan and Trave Tools to Vectorize an image: http://torchmate.com/tmu-8-scan-trace
When you search for an image on Google, you can click on the search tools button and refine the images. I find success when I change the color to black and white. Sometimes I use the line drawing option as well depending on what type of image I need.
Hey Dan - When you Create a Thread, right next to the "Create Thread" button, there is a button "Upload a File" This will let you select a file on your computer to add to the thread. Let me know if you need anything else!