SAWS!! What are you all using in the market and don't want to buy another hunk of junk like I currently have
Accumove 2 issue will not power up, worked great last week. This week nothing. I voltmeter checked the power cord its good. Please help.
Does anyone have a cut file for a old tractor wind vane? School teacher helping woods teacher on a special project.
I'd like to share a very recent project I was working on - a 1977 JEEP J10 frame stretch.
So today my 4X4 GS / Accumotive 2 crashed, dislodging the torch and it DIDN'T shut down and kept firing dragging along the metal while completely dislodged. Spoke to Alex and he had never seen that before. I videoed it and got it all. I was hoping I could upload the video here but do not see how. The last couple of jobs the torch dwelled a long time, probably 4 or 5 seconds before firing after initial touch off.
I bought a prepaid design and when I import the design into torchmate and make a path then create tool path it changes the size of the the 9 squares around the design. How do I stop that from happening. Also the program creates both male and female lead ins.
I have the old 401A signal generator and it will not power on. I have used it 3 years and no issues, Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot it? Thanks
When I make bridges for letters and I go to weld them the design is cutting out all the bridge, not just the part I want welded. I have tried everything I know to stop this to no avail. What am I doing wrong?
Larry, my name is John McLemore and I am in dire need of info on the chip you purchased from Onexia. My machine is doing the same as yours did, "no motor detected". Could you please tell me the chip number and contact person at Onexia? Any info will be huge help! Thank you!
Is there a wiring diagram for the accumove 3 for the limit switches? I am trying to wire some prox switches for my limit switches for the datum and can't figure out if the white or black wire is the trigger or ground. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can not seem to figure out what changed but when I go save my G-code all I am getting is .nc file format and don't know what to do to get it to produce .gm files. Can someone please help me figure out what I did or how to get back to making .gm files
Hello, i was curious if i could get/purchase the dxf files for your dewalt metal saw table? What an awesome design!
Torchmate X It's not moving after holding Datum after that everything is not working such as jogging MVC test say all 1234 is 200V
I am trying to find a instructional video on how to use the torchmate to manually cut material while still on the table.